Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Do, Re, Mi

After sprinting the last 20 seconds of my run today (bad idea), I started walking the rest of the way home, because sprinting at the end of eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (sorry, I was scraping some cheese off the 'e' key) a 30 minute run is a good way to make your stomach feel queasy.  Especially if you've never been particularly good at running.  Or any form of exercise, for that matter.

So I walked- breathing patterns slowly returning to normal... sniffing runny snot, licking my dry lips, and holding my stomach (attractive, I know)- down my road.

I first walked into this friendly, older lady who I usually see: same time.. same place.  We had a little conversation about how she never sees me playing guitar on the side of the road anymore (yeah, I can't seem to write anything new), how she used to run about me? (woah! no, I just have a close friend that got me started on a running app), and how my mom is a crazy foo' when she is on her lawn mower (truth.  don't mess with her).

As we chatted, Chelsey Greenhaw and Angela Dodson rode by on a tandem.  "Hey-eee."  Then Riley on his bike.  "Hiiiiiiiiii."  Goofs.

A few minutes later, Margie (I don't know her real name, but she looks like a Margie) and I ended our conversation and I "ran" down the road hoping to find the bizarre bicyclists.

Almost instantly I saw a group up ahead.  But the group was larger, so I wasn't sure....


Ok.  That has to be them.

As they got closer ("LA!  A NOTE TO FOLLOW SO!") I could see Patrick and Austin Dean on scooters, the tandem gals, and Riley on his bike, all headed my way like a loony 'Sound of Music' outtake.

By the time they reached me, I had joined in singing and we finished the song in a circle at the end of some random person's drive-way.


It was great fun.  Especially the part where Patrick pretended to have cleavage. 

And for those of you who haven't read/heard mine and Patrick's version of the song:

Dough- Some bread, some pizza bread.
Ray- A fish that stings you dead.
Me- The coolest in the world.
Far- A long way to be hurled.
Sow- A big, fat female hog.
Law- A rule that gets you flogged.
Tea- A drink that makes you go!
And that will bring us back to...Dough! Oh, oh, oh.

The "Sound of Music" is one of those movies that I could watch over and over and never get tired of it!!!
My favorite part is when Captain Von Trapp dances with Maria:
EEEEEEEEEEEE!  (no cheese on my keys that time)  I CAN'T HANDLE THE SEXUAL TENSION! 

A part of me wants to cut all my hair off... so that it is as short as Maria's.  But majority rules.  So no boy-cut for me anytime soon :)

Do, Re, Mi- Julie Andrews

AND to get that out of your head:

No Stopping Us-Jason Mraz

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