Thursday, February 17, 2011


Lady Gag Me!

Has anyone heard Lady Gaga's newest song?  Actually, I'm more curious to know- does anyone LIKE Lady Gaga's newest song???  They keep playing it on the radio as though it were some glorious musical creation and I keep changing the channel.  This is disappointing because I have enjoyed a lot of her music!  Maybe she is out of new ideas.... because Born This Way does not impress me.  The beginning is soooo dumb and the rest is nothing special.  If that is the "best" song on her album then ZOIKS, Scoob!

OH WOW... NOW HERE IS A GOOD SONG!  (I didn't realize Adele had a new one!)

YES YES YES!  "Dat's what I'm talkin' 'bout baby-yeah."

I got my driver's license renewed today (surprisingly pleasant experience!)... and wore the same color sweater as the backdrop they make you stand in front of for your pic.  Doo-doo-dooooo.

Karma- karma-karma-karma-karma- chameleon.

I think I have a lazy-eye.

ExerCISE the demons!
Running is my main source of ex-yer-size.  (I had a health/nutrition teacher in college that pronounced exercise really funny and when she would say it I would always think "ex my what?")  I tried P90X for a while, but am too much of a wimp.  Here is a list of my running loves & hates.
  • that moment where you feel like you could just run forever.  I <3 you, endorphins :-)
  • how I feel afterwards!!  
  • improving.
  • how my app keeps track of everything!

  • choosing something to wear!  I still haven't invested in "running clothes," so I manage with what I already own. 
    •  Long basketball shorts are problematic because they sneak-up my waist as I run.  
    • Short shorts are just too revealing for me.  
    • And those tight pants??  Are you suppose to wear underwear under those things???  COMMANDO. 
    • My biggest issue is boobs.  HOW DOES ONE GO ABOUT ACHIEVING MINIMAL BOUNCE-AGE??  Is there some magical boob tape that I don't know about?  Subway has a chicken breast wrap, but that doesn't work on me... don't ask.  The one thing that sort of masks the bounce is sleeveless t-shirts OVER my sporty shirts... making my superhero name- the Running Pillowcase.  
Justin is no help in this area.  Prior my short jog today, I ran around him in a circle and asked if my boobs were bouncing too much (serious question).  His response?  "**drool**"  He just typed that.  So the quotes are inaccurate.
  • the amount of planning required before the run to make sure my stomach problems don't get in the way.
  • I don't hate treadmills... but I definitely prefer running outside.
  • when my running app shuffles my songs the wrong way.  I love Maroon 5 and all, but can I get some Cee Lo Green every once in a while?
  • having to carry things while running.    
Overall I LOVE RUNNING and how it makes me feel about myself!  And I wouldn't be this active if I didn't have AMAZING friends who are excellent examples to me!  Thanks guys!

Si!  Muy bien!  Tres muchachos en mis pantolones son muy feliz.
All right, all you smarty-pants grammar lovers out there ;0) ...I think it is time for a
Here's how this is going to work.  I am really bad about making typos.  SO, I figure if I don't fizz out on this here blog, there will be plenty of opportunities for you guys to benefit from my mistakes.  =)

Object of the game: find typos to earn points.

  1. A typo will be considered any word that I unintentionally misuse OR misspell.  It happens... I'm an airhead.  
  2. You only get a point if you are the first to spot it.
    • If a word is highlighted red, I already found it!  So HA!
    • If a word is highlighted blue, someone else beat you to it.
  3. If you find a typo, add a comment telling me the word as well as the sentence it is contaminating.
 March 17th I will announce the winner and there might even be a prize! Or not. :-D  

Woah!  It changes colors!
I used to be a morning person... but now I sort of have a cuddle addiction


Missing Sonic Happy Hour is like a Kamehameha Wave + Instant  Transmission Technique to my throat.

It is tough, but I survive by going to McDonald's.  DRIVE-THRU, because I'm lazy.

I don't understand why they have a pre-recorded person take my order, followed by an actual person. (?)

"Hello!  Try our new Angus Thick Burger.  Order when ready...."

"I'd like a...."

"Welcome to McDonald's.  Can I take your order?"

"Well, Ma'am, I was just getting ready to tell the nice man..."  Oh I see wha's goin' on here...  
They are hiding Mr. Penguin!
"I'll have an XL Diet Coke.  That will be it."

"Would you like to add two warm apple pies for one dollar?"

 The penguin told you to say that!  Didn't he?!  DON'T LIE TO ME!!  TWO APPLE PIES?  I'll throw them on the ground!  What choo think I'm stupid?  I'm not a part of this system! "No, thanks."

"Can we interest you in 50 chicken nuggets... no one will watch the game at your house if you don't have 50 chicken nuggets?"

Who would eat 50 nuggets? 
I tell ya who would, that damned Sasquatch!
Sasquatch actually prefers Burger King nuggets because they have a yummy peppery taste... and (as far as I know) there is no penguin standing next to the cashier telling her what to say... but that is still how I feel.  See how I tied two Billy Madison references into that story?  Yeah, I'm that good.

All right... I think I've typed enough for the Spell-Checking games to BEGIN! Good luck.



  1. I have to say, I literally laughed out loud when you had the penguin thrown into the bunch, and I was too into your story to even check for grammar, so most likely i will lose at such a game:( ..ive been slacking at blogging too! school, BLAH! thats all i have to say. as for the boobs, don't ever use plastic wrap. that is all.

  2. haha! I knew someone would appreciate Mr. Penguin ;) Yeah, if I were in school I wouldn't be blogging... I blog, because I no longer have school :D :D "Stay in school. Stay as long as you can. Cherish it." PLASTIC WRAP! HAHAHA. Okay. I'll stay away :D
